Tuesday, July 25, 2006


I need your help. I want to know your bathroom story. If you have had anything interesting happen to you while visiting the "loo" or while doing anything in the "jon," then please let me know.

The Rules:
1. I want YOUR story, not somebody else's
2. It must be YOUR story, not somebody else's
3. NO hearsay or rumor, YOUR story
4. Type it up in the word processing program of your choice
5. Save as an .RTF file and send to me at the address mentioned in introduction

Pictures: Send them to, but they must be YOUR pictures for me to post them. So, send the actual file to the same email address.

Once I get YOUR picture(s) or story, I will review it and if it is worthy, I will post it.

Thank You,



Originally uploaded by bathroomguide.

Continuing our trip to Amherst, MA, we passed through Virginia. Virginia was home to some of the nastiest bathrooms, or at least one of the nastiest, bathrooms that I will mention in this series. This particular bathroom was not the nastiest. There is actually a urinal shot that goes with this bathroom, look for it in coming posts.

Some advice, if the toilet you are thinking about using has THREE extra rolls of toilet paper on the back of it, then it is most likely a high volume toilet. This can be good and it can be bad, if the toilet owners maintain the pot. Be cautious, if the seat is the least bit warm, then it has recently been used and may be okay. I can't give you anything for certain because there is a lot of uncertainty in the world of toilets.

It is always nice to see a plunger at the ready, but the question you must ask yourself is "will I need it and when was it last used?"

3 out of 5 Rolls

Saturday, July 22, 2006

TN Gas Station

Originally uploaded by bathroomguide.

Ah, well this is the first in a series of bathrooms photographed while on a 13 state road trip to Amherst, MA. I must admit that I made the cardinal sin of my trade - I did not bring a logbook and I only took pictures. In consequence, I do not have the specifics for all of the bathrooms that I encountered on this trip. However, I do remember a great many of them, as they were quite unique.

Such is the case with this bathroom. I remember this one because it was photographed on the first day of travel, while in TN. I also remember it because it was near advertisements (billboards) for Loretta Lynn's dude ranch. Then there is the unique look of this bathroom. It just screams goodness!!

Anyway, here is the first of the series. Notice the lovely stains at the base of the toilet and the double set of T.P. dispensers. I would be amiss if I also did not state that the trashcan had a really foul odor about it. Further investigation did not occur and I got out ASAP.

2 out of 5 Rolls

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Arkansas Local Sammich Shop

The following are pictures from a local sammich shop here in Little Rock, AR. I could give you the name of the joint, but I will not. Let's just say they make a pot-roast potato that's fantastic! Here are the pics...

Now, as you can see, they have attempted to pretty up the pot by placing some lovely art above the toilet, but it doesn't quite work. Your standard handicapped, stainless steel bars are there as well as your fairly standard toilet paper holder. Also, look at the floor. One last comment, the toilet to wall ratio is wanting.

Same restroom, different view. Here you get the urinal and sink shot. If you look close enough, you can see the "employees must wash hands before returning to work" sign. Enough mirrors, I ask you? Thank goodness for the privacy screen separating the sink and urinal!!

3 out of 5 Rolls

Thursday, July 13, 2006

The Home Pot (Guest Style)

Originally uploaded by

This represents our guest bathroom. What that means is that this is our secondary restroom. Ah, where to begin. Well, first off, this restroom sports a padded seat. That's correct! We have cushion for the tush - especially nice for those long visits. Also, you may be able to see Spongebob hanging in the shower. Aside from that, we offer a plunger and Lysol for any and all of our guests. Finally, you may notice the cat box which is located at the bottom of the photo. If you are lucky, a cat may come by and show you how things are done. Take it with a grain of salt.

5 out of 5 Rolls (Comfort and Style)

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

The Home Pot (primary)

Originally uploaded by bathroomguide.

Ah, you can start weeping because it is beautiful. This, my friends, is the fabled "home pot." Now, yours may vary from mine, but I tell you, there is no better toilet than the one you have at home. Notice the plunger along with the bowl cleaner at the ready. There is also a FULL roll of toilet paper - something that is a blessing. You may also see a seagull perched atop the organizer. Enjoy!!

5 out 5 Rolls (Trust Me)

Friday, July 07, 2006

The Last Work Bathroom Shot

Originally uploaded by bathroomguide.

These are the urinals of the 4rth floor work bathroom. Sorry ladies, but I do not have a shot of the women's bathroom. Anyway, these are located directly to the right of the previous post's picture. Notice that there is one tall and one short - we don't discriminate when it comes to height at this agency.

In conjunction with the previous post's rating, I give this one a...

3.5 out of 5 Rolls (Because they are only urinals)

Thursday, July 06, 2006

More of the Work Bathroom

originally uploaded by bathroomguide.
Now, you have already seen the employee bathroom of the 2nd floor; however, you have yet to see this bathroom - the 4rth floor work bathroom. This particular bathroom gets a little more traffic than the one on the 2nd floor, but it is still employees only. Notice both a handicapped and a regular "jon (john)" are available for use, with the urinals to follow at a later date - soon. It is good enough.

3.5 out of 5 Rolls (-.5 b/c it's not always perfect)

Monday, July 03, 2006


This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.

Patience Please

For the 1 or 2 people who actually read this blog, please hang in there, updates are on the way. New posts will include more of the work bathroom, the home bathroom, and selected toilets from a trip to Amherst, MA. Until then, enjoy!!