Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Arkansas Local Sammich Shop

The following are pictures from a local sammich shop here in Little Rock, AR. I could give you the name of the joint, but I will not. Let's just say they make a pot-roast potato that's fantastic! Here are the pics...

Now, as you can see, they have attempted to pretty up the pot by placing some lovely art above the toilet, but it doesn't quite work. Your standard handicapped, stainless steel bars are there as well as your fairly standard toilet paper holder. Also, look at the floor. One last comment, the toilet to wall ratio is wanting.

Same restroom, different view. Here you get the urinal and sink shot. If you look close enough, you can see the "employees must wash hands before returning to work" sign. Enough mirrors, I ask you? Thank goodness for the privacy screen separating the sink and urinal!!

3 out of 5 Rolls


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