Saturday, June 24, 2006

The Work Bathroom

Below you will find two pictures, both of the same bathroom. This particular bathroom is the one found on the 2nd floor at my place of employment. That's correct!! The sacred employee restroom!!

The first picture is a doorway view of the sacred employee restroom and the second picture is an inside shot that includes the sink. Notice in the first picture a sign by the door that states "men"; this is really more of a suggestion. There is actually a restroom next to this one with a sign that states "women". These two bathrooms are basically first come, first served.

For most people the work restroom represents a toilet away from home. However, I do realize that not all work bathrooms are as nice as the one I am accustomed to and for this, I am truly sorry. For, where one works, one must also take care of business!! With that in mind, this bathroom is not the holy of holies (the home pot), but it is close.

4 out of 5 Rolls

Monday, June 05, 2006

Toilet on the Open Seas!!

This, my friends, is the toilet that we had to use while we cruised Alaskan style back in May 2005. Now, you may notice that the shower and sink are directly adjacent to the waste depository device; however, I tell you, I would rather use this "john" than just about any other across this Globe.

Smooth flushing action with the requirement of very little water. Also, we learned some sage advice: If it's yellow, let it mellow; if it's brown, flush it down.

I look forward to the day, or cruise, when I can sit on this throne once again.

Definitely 4 out of 5 Rolls (only because of size did it get 4 not 5)

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Pre - 2004 Toilet Pictures (Part 4) FINAL

Well, well, well, I do remember where this one comes from - Tickfaw, LA. This is the bathroom of a little gas station that had many a deer head on the wall. Thankfully, they did not continue the deer head motif in the bathroom. This bathroom served its supreme emergency purposes, but I do not recommend it.

2 out of 5 Rolls

Pre - 2004 Toilet Pictures (Part 3)

Ah, the handicapped stall - the one on the left - what more needs to be said? Do take notice of the extra roll of toilet paper located just out of prime reach on the sink. The picture on the right appears to also be the handicapped stall. Plus, there is a bonus trash can to boot.

In both pictures, notice that there is a plunger at the ready and located directly behind the toilet. Remember, there is always a reason that a plunger is at the ready. Why? Well, that's for you to find out; use these toilets with caution and flush wisely!!

3 out of 5 Rolls for lefty (bonus for sink)
2 out of 5 Rolls for righty (discovered reason for plunger)

Pre - 2004 Toilet Pictures (Part 2)

I don't recall the place that belonged to either of these two bathrooms; however, one does appear to look much like a bathroom that could be found at a local gas station. The other (the one on the right) appears to be something from another fast food joint. Notice, in the first picture, the water on the floor - NICE!!

3 out of 5 Rolls for both

Pre - 2004 Toilet Pictures (Part One)

The following bathroom photographs (6 in all) were taken sometime in 2003 - 2004. Chances are that most of the 6 are from various restrooms in Louisiana. Enjoy!!

As I recall, this appears to be a restroom like those found at certain fast food burger joints. The question you must ask is, where is the door?

3 out 5 Rolls