Monday, September 11, 2006

Vermont Rest Area

Originally uploaded by bathroomguide.

Look at how sparkly and shiny!! You have to love stainless steal. Anyway, long time no post. I don't hope to make this a habit, but you never know what will happen. I still have some very good photos from our trip to Amherst, but they are as of yet undeveloped. I hope to remedy this soon enough.

4 out of 5 Rolls (clean it was)

Thursday, August 24, 2006

China Bathroom

China II
Originally uploaded by bathroomguide.

Sorry for the delay in postings, but I have not been busy. Anyway, as always, more will come. Here is a shot of a bathroom from China. Actually, that is all I can say about it for reasons beyond my control.

Can Not Be Rated

Monday, August 14, 2006

Wytheville, VA Hotel Restroom

Originally uploaded by bathroomguide.

I forget the room number, but that is not important because they are all probably the same. However, this particular restroom picture is that of one found at a hotel in Wytheville, VA. The hotel was in no way very trashy or sleazy, but it was located behind a very tasty Mexican restaurant! Those of you in my line of bathroomguiding will appreciate the closeness of the hotel.

Now, to the restroom. Notice the slightly askew photograph and admire my auteurship, just kidding. Actually, it was the only way to get most of the bathroom in the picture.

Anyway, a few complaints. The toilet was low enough to be in a grade school, not something good for a person over 6', and the restroom had a perpetual heat lamp/light. It was damn hot in there. Also, and most importantly, the toilet paper had the quality of onion skin. If you didn't double and triple up, trouble followed - follow?

This all brings me to one very important rule: When you are on the road, make sure to bring some extra toilet paper because onion skin toilet paper is cheap and cheap is what people (hotels, etc...) like to supply.

Ah, I must mention that this is one from our road trip to Amherst, MA.

2.5 out of 5 Rolls (where else to go?)

Monday, August 07, 2006

StallView - AmherstDorm

Originally uploaded by bathroomguide.

This is what the bathrooms looked like in our Amherst dorm from the toilet's point of view. The bathrooms were laid out dorm style, in their own rooms, with showers and sinks and all. There were about 6 or 9 toilets per room as well as about 6 or 9 showers. I had more pictures, but Walgreens screwed them up. Word of advice, don't take pictures to Walgreens unless you have one of their "free film for life" cameras as they tend to muck up more photographs than they actually develop.

Anyway, if more dorm room images survived, I will post them as soon as I get them.

No Rating as of yet

Thursday, August 03, 2006

VA GasStation Urinal

Originally uploaded by bathroomguide.

This is the urinal that goes with the post about the gas station in VA - 7/25/2006. I don't always include urinals, but I liked this one. The urinal goes all the way down to the floor, so it is okay to pee on the floor. There is also a sink. One additon, maybe a dividing wall between the two urinals for those shy individuals out there? What do you think? Comment away - for those 2 or 3 readers that enjoy this blog.

More to come...

Tuesday, July 25, 2006


I need your help. I want to know your bathroom story. If you have had anything interesting happen to you while visiting the "loo" or while doing anything in the "jon," then please let me know.

The Rules:
1. I want YOUR story, not somebody else's
2. It must be YOUR story, not somebody else's
3. NO hearsay or rumor, YOUR story
4. Type it up in the word processing program of your choice
5. Save as an .RTF file and send to me at the address mentioned in introduction

Pictures: Send them to, but they must be YOUR pictures for me to post them. So, send the actual file to the same email address.

Once I get YOUR picture(s) or story, I will review it and if it is worthy, I will post it.

Thank You,



Originally uploaded by bathroomguide.

Continuing our trip to Amherst, MA, we passed through Virginia. Virginia was home to some of the nastiest bathrooms, or at least one of the nastiest, bathrooms that I will mention in this series. This particular bathroom was not the nastiest. There is actually a urinal shot that goes with this bathroom, look for it in coming posts.

Some advice, if the toilet you are thinking about using has THREE extra rolls of toilet paper on the back of it, then it is most likely a high volume toilet. This can be good and it can be bad, if the toilet owners maintain the pot. Be cautious, if the seat is the least bit warm, then it has recently been used and may be okay. I can't give you anything for certain because there is a lot of uncertainty in the world of toilets.

It is always nice to see a plunger at the ready, but the question you must ask yourself is "will I need it and when was it last used?"

3 out of 5 Rolls

Saturday, July 22, 2006

TN Gas Station

Originally uploaded by bathroomguide.

Ah, well this is the first in a series of bathrooms photographed while on a 13 state road trip to Amherst, MA. I must admit that I made the cardinal sin of my trade - I did not bring a logbook and I only took pictures. In consequence, I do not have the specifics for all of the bathrooms that I encountered on this trip. However, I do remember a great many of them, as they were quite unique.

Such is the case with this bathroom. I remember this one because it was photographed on the first day of travel, while in TN. I also remember it because it was near advertisements (billboards) for Loretta Lynn's dude ranch. Then there is the unique look of this bathroom. It just screams goodness!!

Anyway, here is the first of the series. Notice the lovely stains at the base of the toilet and the double set of T.P. dispensers. I would be amiss if I also did not state that the trashcan had a really foul odor about it. Further investigation did not occur and I got out ASAP.

2 out of 5 Rolls